Click here for the first part of our ordinances, “codified”. This is a PDF version that can be searched for specific ordinances. When looking for any ordinance, check here first.
- Fee resolutions adopted 2024:
- Zoning and variances, SALDO subdivision, storm-water management
- Liens and unpaid accounts
Building Permits: Ordinance 543 states: “No building, structure, or sign shall be erected, constructed, moved, added to, or structurally altered, nor shall land be put to any use without a permit issued by the Zoning Officer”. Permits are required for, but not limited to the following: new construction, additions and structural alterations, all pools (including inflatable pools) or ponds with depth 24 inches or more, storage sheds, fences, and signs.
More information can be found on the Forms & Permits page.
Curfew: Ordinance 340 (PDF)
Fireplace / Fire Pits / Outdoor Burning: Summary (PDF)
RV Parking on Public Streets: RVs are allowed a two week period of time in certain areas to park on the street in order for the owner to maintain the RV. Please send an E-mail to administration@fleetwoodboro.com to request a permit. Permits will be granted by council based upon location and parking availability. When issued via E-mail, the permit then is placed on the RV windshield by the owner so the police can monitor.
Snow Removal: Ordinance 437 states that all snow, ice, hail, or sleet must be removed from sidewalks a minimum width of 48 inches within 24 hours of a storm. Snow, ice, hail or sleet may not be deposited onto any street, road, alley or public way used for travel.
Snow Emergency: Ordinance 518. Fleetwood Primary Snow Emergency Routes Snow Emergency may be declared by the Mayor or designee. Residents will be notified via Swiftreach phone system as well as local news media and FleetwoodBoro.com when possible. Upon declaration, a parking prohibition shall go into effect on Snow Emergency Routes in the borough and remain in effect until terminated by an announced time or further announcement.
Snow Emergency Routes:
- Main Street, from East Borough Line to West Borough Line
- North Franklin Street, from Main Street north to the Fleetwood Borough Line
- South Richmond Street, from Main Street south to the Fleetwood Borough Line
- North Richmond Street, from Main Street north to the Fleetwood Borough Line (NEW)
- West Arch Street, from North Franklin Street west to North Chestnut Street (NEW)
- East Arch Street, from North Franklin Street east to Fleetwood Avenue
- Beech Street, from Main Street south to Locust Street (NEW)
- Locust Street, South side only from Buttonwood Street east to Fleetwood Borough Line
- Locust Street, North side only from Franklin Street to Buttonwood Street (New)
- Chestnut Street, from Main Street north to Arch Street (New)
- Walnuttown Road, from North Richmond Street to Fleetwood Borough Line (New)
Storm Water Info: Click here for the Storm Water Management page
Tree Planting: Ordinance 446 requires that residents obtain a permit from the Shade Tree Commission before planting any tree, shrub or other woody plant in the area between the curb and sidewalk.
Vehicle Parking / Storage / Operation: Ordinance 574 (PDF) states the restrictions on the operations, storage and parking of vehicles in the borough. The ordinance covers Commercial, Large and Motor Vehicles along with Motorized and Non-Motorized Recreational Vehicles.
Weed Removal: Ordinance 343 requires that all weeds and other vegetation not edible or planted for some useful or ornamental purpose in excess of ten inches must be cut.
Yard Sales: A free permit is required for sales held in the Borough. Limit of two sales per year. Obtain permit online at no charge prior to sale.
Zoning Ordinance: Ordinance 543 (PDF)
SALDO (Subdivision And Land Development Ordinance): Ordinance 349, and amendments
(See Forms page for SALDO application)
Updated: These ordinances were adopted by council
Ordinance 539 (PDF): Yard Sale Ordinance. Also see the Yard Sale permit page.
Ordinance 603 (PDF): Large Gathering Ordinance
Applications can be found on the Forms & Permits page.
Ordinance 604 (PDF): Blighted or Abandoned Property Ordinance
The registration form can be found on the Forms & Permits page.
Ordinance 605 (PDF): Yard Sale Update (Online Filing)
See the Yard Sale page for more information.
Ordinance 607 (PDF): Peace and Good Order = Amended by Ordinance 655
Ordinance 608 (PDF): Foundry Alley one way
Ordinance 609 (PDF): 2015 Tax Rate
Ordinance 611 (PDF): LERTA
Ordinance 612 (PDF): Water Connections
Ordinance 613 (PDF): Rental Property (amended by Ordinance 615)
The application can be found on the Forms & Permits page.
Ordinance No. 247-25 (PDF): Amending the definition of “sidewalk area”
Ordinance 216-10 (PDF): Vector Control (Rats, cockroaches, etc).
Ordinance 615 (PDF): Rental Property Ordinance (Reference Ordinance 613)
Ordinance 616 (PDF): Temporary Parking on 1 E. Main St
Ordinance 617 (PDF): Zoning , updated for cell towers
Ordinance 619 (PDF): Parking
Ordinance 626 (PDF): Commercial Property Inspections
The application can be found on the Forms & Permits page.
Ordinance 652 (PDF): Fleetwood / Maindencreek Storm Water Ordinance
Ordinance 655 (PDF): Peace and Good Order
Ordinance 656 (PDF): Quality of Life
Ordinance 659 (PDF) – No parking W. Elm St